[TYPO3-dev] Ideas backend documentation

Johannes Künsebeck hnes_k at gmx.de
Wed Nov 7 22:09:07 CET 2007

Christoph Lindenmueller schrieb:
> Hi T3 Dev,
> I wonder what improvements regarding the documentation workflow could be 
> a project for my diploma thesis. I thought about improving the inline 
> help (? symbol) using AJAX and generate OpenOffice "Manuals" for Users.
> What about pulling the help text/images from a wiki in order to make 
> text updates easier?
> What do you think about providing the possility to insert 
> installation-specific help items?
> What are your thoughts how to improve the documentation workflow?
> Greetings,
> Chris.

Just an idea spinning in my head:

We want to manage the contents of the documentation in several languages, in respect to userrights 
and in different output formats. Why not use an enterprise level CMS like TYPO3 for it?  ;)

Use an open typo3 instance to document typo3.  A lot of concepts needed are build in like 
internationalization and user rights. Just need to map the fields to pages or contentelements and 
have an extension that looks up the specific enabled fields to user rights. Write a nice xml-export 
  that goes recursively through the pages (I had this once, before my laptop was stolen and soon 
will be again at that point), and apply some xslt magic to generate every format you may need (Open 
Office should be possible, pdf through fop or pdf_generator2, and html, well with ts or xslt).


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