[TYPO3-dev] empty selectorbox

Joost Vollebregt | JV Websites info at jvwebsites.nl
Mon Nov 5 19:40:22 CET 2007

Dear list,


I am building a tt_products - filter to achieve different collections from
one source of products. It works on a 4.0.1 install with autoparser. But
fails on 4.1.0 with templavoila.

I use dynaflex to dynamically create a list of all existing categories, and
make separate selectboxes of them with the products as options.

This is all rendered well, and saved into the database as XML in tt_content,
but when I edit my plugin, the previously selected items show no label, only
a hidden value (they can be selected and deleted, but cannot be recognized
by user). 


This is the working code, that is showing the described flaws with 4.1.0 and
templavoila, $DCA:

array (

            'method' => 'add',

            'path' => 'sheets/sDEF/ROOT/el',

            'type' => 'fields',

            'source' => 'db',
// where came the data from?

            'source_type' => 'entry_count',
// how should it be handled?

            'source_config' => array (
// define it a little bit more detailed, get it from

                        'table' => 'tt_products_cat',
// table

                        'select' => 'uid,title',
// which fields should be fetched?

                        'where' => 'deleted=0',
// and under which circumstances?


            // keep in mind, that you can create more than one field at
once. See the step above

            'field_config' => array (
// define what is inserted for each dataset from source

                        'name' => 'categorie_uid_###uid###',
// replace ###uid### with uid from dataset

                        'label' => '###title###',
// same with ###title###

                        'config' => array (

                                   "type" => "select",

                                   'items' => Array (

                   Array('', 0),


                                   "itemsProcFunc" =>

                                   "foreign_table_where" =>

                                   "size" => 20,     

                                   "minitems" => 0,

                                   "maxitems" => 40,






And the userfunction:


function user_multi_name_render(&$params,&$pObj) {

                        global $DCA, $TCA, $TYPO3_DB;

                        $config = $params['config'];


                        $fields = 'uid,title';

                        $from = 'tt_products';

                        $where = 'hidden=0 AND deleted=0 AND '.$extra_where;


                        $res = $TYPO3_DB->exec_SELECTquery






                        return $params['items'];



Any ideas on how to fix this/ or on what the reason is of this behaviour are
very welcome!

Joost Vollebregt


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