[TYPO3-dev] ADOdb extended dates prototype

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon May 21 14:52:44 CEST 2007

Christoph Koehler wrote: on 18.05.2007 22:00:

> Here is the first prototype of the extended dates extension [1].
> Instructions on the trac wiki page [2].
> One problem could be the speed; it's really pretty slow to save the
> record with so many dates, but that might be acceptable. The reason it's
> so slow is because init.php is included in order to get to the date and
> timezone preferences and that adds a lot of overhead for every ajax
> call. If there is another way I don't know about to get BE user
> preferences, let me know!

That looks cool. But have you seen my proposed change in
http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=1697? This fixes the problem with
client-side calculation. Only "features" missing would be:

- Having a client with a TZ setting on his machine and a different TZ
setting in TYPO3. Is this required? common? neeeded? What sense does
that make?

- Using adodb for storage: This is a nice addition in your extension!
And this is the one I would find most interesting to get into the Core.
But I would like to know a bit more about it: How does the DB has to be
changed to be able to store those values? What about extensions that
make use of this date fields directly?

To me it looks that calling the server to get timestamps for all dates
is a bit of an overkill, while we could just make all calculations on
client side. Despite having duplicate "checking" code (server + client
side), are the other reasons for doing so?


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