[TYPO3-dev] core issue: extend dates with ADOdb time

Christoph Koehler christoph.koehler at gmail.com
Wed May 16 19:42:46 CEST 2007


On Wed, 16 May 2007 12:26:55 -0500, Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]  
<ernst at cron-it.de> wrote:

> Make sure you change it into a unsigned bigint, else you won't be able
> to have negative timestamps in it (dates < 1970).

Signed actually, not unsigned. Unsigned means only positive. But yeah, got  
that :)

> How does your solution handle the javascript part? Does that handle
> unsigned bigints already for unixtimes?

I am not sure what you mean. I am hooking into the JS and pretty much  
replacing the date parts with server side PHP. I already got a limited  
working protoype. So all the Date js objects are replace with server side  
The other thing added is userTS and user setup fields for the user's  
preferred date format which will be used to parse dates entered into input  
fields as well as to determine the output. It also takes into account  
timezones. That way everyone can use their own date format and enter and  
see dates in that way.

> It would be cool if you could share this extension with us, so that we
> might consider implementing this directly into the core.

That's the plan. The only reason it's an extension is for portability and  
testing right now. Once everything is working okay I or someone else can  
make a core patch from it.


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