[TYPO3-dev] Problem with pi_list_browseresults()

Brian Bendtsen nightowl at galnet.dk
Thu May 10 14:28:49 CEST 2007

Peter Russ skrev:
> Well: if you query returns a result of 4 rows, but you want to get only 
> 2 unique rows, than you should fix your query.
> SQL just delivers what you ASK for and can not guess what you expect to 
> get ;-)
> Wrong result, wrong question . Pretty plain.
> Regs. Peter.
In a simple query you can use the same query for showing the result on a 
page and for showing the result browser.

When I use my query for showing the result I get 2 rows which is fine. 
When I use the same query, adding count, I get a number of rows to be 4. 
That is the main problem.

Now I have rewritten the query for returning the number of rows, using
tx_ebbolig_afdeling.uid)','tx_ebbolig_afdeling INNER JOIN 
tx_ebbolig_lejemaal ON tx_ebbolig_afdeling.uid = 

instead of the pi_exec_query, where the distinct is not possible.

So, query for showing result was right. Query for result browser was wrong.


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