[TYPO3-dev] Let's rate!

Georg Ringer mail-spam at ringerge.org
Thu Mar 29 07:53:38 CEST 2007

Good Morning,

Sudara Williams wrote:
  but what I imagine would help more are instantly knowing:
> 1. Are the extensions templates written in 1992 HTML standards or in xHTML?
hmm this has only to do with the knowledge of the developer because if 
he can answer the question, he will has used xhtml. If he can't answer 
the question, there is no knowledge and the answer to the rest of 
questions is also known.

> 2. Is there language in the PHP files or is it broken out into locallang files?

Like above. But there are several extensions which don't need this.

> 3. Is there HTML in the php files?

So if i make some lines html in php (10 in 1500 LOC) , do I have to 
answer this with yes, even if I use a template file?

> 4. Is it templavoila-friendly?

Too bad I know really nothing about TV, I know what to do if I have some 
time left.

Of course these question are necessary for a good repository but it has 
to planned very well.

> For me: 50% of the time the manual is useless. 25% of the time they are next to useless. 75% of the time I *could* add something to help the next person, but they are not globally editable, so the manual stays useless. There is a wiki, but it is not the 'first-source' of extension information that everyone is reading. Keep it DRY!

This is a quite difficult situation because I see it with my extensions. 
I thought it was good but there are still so many questions....
Wiki is IMO a good way if it gets to a 2nd manual standard. So the 
manual can be extended by everyone.

> Allowing for more community-oriented and editable content (like ratings, globally editable sources of help) would help me follow the Typo3 ideal of sharing.
rating: +1
editable code: we could make this happen with the wiki, right?

  I even want to edit TSref to make the English more clear and give 
better examples and I cannot! (remember, I'm talking about the document 
everyone reads, not the wiki.)

This editiable thing is only possible in something like a wiki, so move 
more people there. I don't know if it is finished yet?

Greetings back from Linz ;)

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