[TYPO3-dev] Joomla - GPL bleibt GPL

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Sat Jun 23 10:16:09 CEST 2007

JoH asenau schrieb:
> If people are creating packages that are based on their own special TS setup
> and some HTML,CSS and images to give you a ready made and working TYPO3
> site, they can use whatever license they like without ever violating the
> TYPO3 license because they don't use, extend or modify any of the TYPO3
> libraries.

I agree, if the TS is not based and does not use any of the TS 
extensions shipped with TYPO3 or available from TER and conatains no PHP 
code that uses any TYPO3 functionality (pure standalone code).

It's interesting to find out if the GPL governs also the TS code of 
TYPO3. Maybe not (it's not a real programming language), but I think 
it's safe to assume that the authors of the TS code assumed it. So is 
IMHO at least unethical to use a proprietary non-GPL compatible licence 
for any TS code that builds upon TYPO3's own TS code.

HTML, CSS and images obviously do not fall under the GPL, though they 
could be distributed using the ODL *.

Remains the point how to distribute such setup. ext_emconf.php is a 
(dumb) PHP code and the extension config files relies on the TYPO3 
architecture. So shipping as .t3x file may very well require a GPL 
compatible licence.

Another options is a .t3d file of the exporter. I guess this is probably 
safe as your data do not interact in any way with the export format. I 
have not heard that if I use gzip I may only compress GPLed code.


* Should that point be discussed for the media files shipped with TYPO3?

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