[TYPO3-dev] TCEmain in fe extension

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Thu Jun 21 09:44:55 CEST 2007

> Call TCEmain's start() method with a faked BE user object. Then see if 
> the functions that you need, are working properly.

Hi Dmitry,

it typically takes a long time until a feature like we discuss it here,
will go into the core. If at all. Even if patches are provided. So I have
integrated a TCEmain factory into the common extension library "div" for
now. It can already be exported from typo3xdev SVN.


Or as nightly snapshot from tomorrow http://typo3xdev.sourceforge.net/.

For now it depends on a BE user login by the extension "simulatebe", but
we could add an option with a "faked" user like you propose.

How do you suggest to fake a BE user? What about the rights of such a user.
How about the risks of an admin? Should it be created automatically if
missing, for reasons of comfort?




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