[TYPO3-dev] non-standard page types and extension configuration info?

Jason Lefkowitz jason at jasonlefkowitz.net
Thu Jun 7 17:06:11 CEST 2007

Hi Johannes... let me see if I understand:

Johannes Künsebeck wrote:
> So there is the select that fetches rows of data. *Foreach* row this
> data is passed to whatever there is to render it (in the property
> .renderObj or by default the toplevel object with the same name as the
> table, thus tt_content))
> But you want your own renderObj, so you have to provide it yourself.

Here's where I am confused.  Right now I have my SELECT statements in my 
extension's main PHP-script (through TYPO3's DB API).  But if I am 
reading you correctly, I should be choosing WHAT records to display 
using Typoscript, and only using the PHP to specify HOW to display those 

Is that right?  If so, what are the circumstances where you're supposed 
to use the DB API?

Thanks for all your help!!

- Jason

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