[TYPO3-dev] typoscript objects and static cache

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Fri Jul 13 10:30:32 CEST 2007

> I have a pretty basic TYPO3 website. There is a search from and
> dropdownmenu on every page. These two forms are typoscripts objects
> that is initialized from a Templavoila object patch. However I can't
> get any static cache working. If I comment out the two objects -
> cache is working again. I tried the extension nc_staticfilecache and
> bestfilecache. Any ideas about how I can get these two objects
> working with static cache?
> lib.agents = USER_INT
> lib.searchbox = COA_INT

AFAIK you can't, since these elements are just inserted as placeholders into
the cached html code to be processed each time you call the page. So a
static file cache wouldn't make much sense here.

However I am working on another idea for a file cache that would at least
consider SESSION, COOKIE, GET and POST data so that in some cases it could
be possible to still use xxx_INT elements together with a file cache, as
long as these elements depend on incoming data sent by the user and not by
some external source only.

Since it's currently just an idea, please don't ask me when it will be
finished - unless you want to sponsor it ;-)



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(If you have no clues: simply shut your gob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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