[TYPO3-dev] Integration of gb_bedraganddrop into the Core

Franz Koch typo at fx.MINUS.graefix.DOT.de
Wed Jan 31 09:17:56 CET 2007

Hi all,

> The url for testing is:
> http://t3.mcuadros.es/typo3
> User/Pass:typo3-dev

this allready looks very nice. If I'm allowed to give a suggestion I think it'll be good if the drag'n'drop feature would be applied to only a special part (maybe headline, icon) of the CE with a visual 'feedback' that it is possible there to drag (maybe a move-curser, a special graphic in headlines or whatever). This way it would be more self explaining for editors. I know that the coding of the features isn't finished yet, and that this suggestion might be a little bit early - just wanted to mention it.

Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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