[TYPO3-dev] Can some page ID point to another database?

John Angel johnange at gmail.com
Sun Jan 28 20:57:25 CET 2007

Hi Masi,

> No. I was saying that I can understand why you want to distribute some
> tables onto different servers, but I see no point in distributing ALL
> tables.

I mentioned in some previous post what tables exactly I was thinking of
distributing, not all of them: be_*, fe_*, static_*, tx_templavoila_*, sys_*
except sys_log and sys_stat.

tt_content and pages* tables would be the local ones, if we make general
HTML templates as external files.

Actually, we are talking about two approaches for huge traffic:

1) Using single database and distributing large tables using DBAL to other
servers. If that is not enough, can DBAL work with mysql cluster (e.g.
clustered tt_content)?

2) Using separate server (and different database) per sub-domain, fetching
main tables (be_*, fe_*, static_*, tx_templavoila_*, sys_*) from main
database server + synchronizing files from fileadmin directory (TV, CSS,
images and general HTML templates).

What is the best solution?


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