[TYPO3-dev] Can some page ID point to another database?

John Angel johnange at gmail.com
Sat Jan 27 20:18:04 CET 2007


I was wondering is it possible to mix data from several databases when
building page hierarchy?

The idea behind is to have multiple subdomains on several servers having the
same basic Typo installation, with common things, such are Typoscript and
TemplaVoila templates.

E.g. when looking the tree view for one site, it would have:
1) Templates
2) Templavoila related stuff
3) BE Users
4) FE Users
5) Site specific template extending General template (1)
6) Site contents

Servers would like something like this:
Server A: (1), (2), (3), (4) --> this is main server
Server B1: Database link to server A stuff + (5) and (6)  ---> subdomain 1
Server B2: Database link to server A stuff + (5) and (6) ---> subdomain 2
Server Bn: Database link to server A stuff + (5) and (6) ---> subdomain n

Why not using single database? If getting a lot of traffic, soon there will
be problem with a huge MySQL tables, without any real solution what to do
with it. If having several servers with identical Typo installations, it is
easier to simply purchase another server and solve the problem.

I understand that DBAL can provide multiple databases access, but its
per-table granularity is simply not enough in this case.


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