[TYPO3-dev] TypoScript: stdWrap.ifEmpty but no stdWrap.ifIsset

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Fri Jan 12 18:10:22 CET 2007

> Now I have the following (the TEXT-object is just for testing, it
> could be the result of a frontend-plugin or whatever). If the
> TEXT-object has no data, it isn't wrapped and that's what I wanted.
> Example:
> 10 = COA
> 10 {
>   20 = TEXT
>   20.value =
>   stdWrap {
>     required = 1
>     wrap = <div class="whatever">|</div>
>   }
> }
> But it could imaging something like the following example:
> 10 = COA
> 10 {
>   20 = TEXT
>   20.value =
>   ifNotEmpty.wrap = <div class="whatever">|</div>
> }
> The result is the same as above, but if there are ifBlank and ifEmpty,
> why aren't there opposite operators like ifNotEmpty or ifNotBlank on
> the same level?

Maybe because somebody did something similar and called it "required"?



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