[TYPO3-dev] Sys_lockedrecords - Extend to Fe-Users

Stefan Geith typo3dev2006 at geithware.de
Mon Jan 8 10:26:23 CET 2007

Hi Devs,

as there are more an more extensions, that enable editing of records by
Fe-Users in the FE it would be cool to have the the sys_lockedrecords
table extended to hold an information about fe-users also.

I submitted a patch to the bugtracker
a) adds field feuserid to table sys_lockedrecords
b) adds text-variant for fe-users to locallang_core.xml
c) modifies t3lib_befunc->isRecordLocked to show different messages
    when be or fe-users locked a record.

Then plugins with Fe-User-Editing can use the table sys_lockedrecords
to see if record is used by either FE-User or BE-User and can
lock records if they begin to edit a record in the FE.

Would be greate if this would go into 4.1

I think this soulution is better (less code) than creating some hooks
and a second table - what do yean ?



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