[TYPO3-dev] set_no_cache is bad. What's next?

John Angel johnange at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 19:50:35 CEST 2007

> The functionalty sounds exactly what we already have in core:
> t3lib_page::getHash()
> t3lib_page::storeHash()
> which has always been available for plugins (table "cache_hash").
> What are the benefits of "toi_cache" over that generic caches?

Unlike generic cache, toi_cache has fields:
- cached_table
- cached_table_uid a.k.a pid
and hook to clearAllCache_additionalTables, so Typo3 can delete cached
records if parent IDs change.

Then, it has simple cache management. I suggest looking at the source code,
it is very small. I've also made small improvements to original ext (like 
hook to clearPageCacheEval), can send it if you are interested.


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