[TYPO3-dev] flexforms bugs in 3.8 and 4.0.2?

Antonio Nikolic nikolic at intime.de
Wed Sep 13 18:09:04 CEST 2006

> Kasper Skårhøj schrieb:
>  > Point A: This is not a bug, you just set up languages in the wrong way.
>  > Please, read the Frontend Localization Guide.
well, read the guide now. great doc, makes some things really clears now!..
but the problem concerning "point A" was another. Something weird seem 
to have happened to the table sys_language during upgrade to 4.0 i 
suppose. The uid of an unused language (which happened to be the same as 
the default, but with no references) has been changed from id 10 to 0 
which unfortunately happened to be configured for the default language 
in the global config.sys_language_uid. After I changed the record back, 
everything went fine...
i don't know if i did sth wrong or this really occurred automatically 
during update..


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