[TYPO3-dev] tt_address 2.0.0 underway, please test

Steffen Kamper steffen at dislabs.de
Tue Nov 28 17:16:51 CET 2006

"Martin Kutschker" <Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net> schrieb im 
Newsbeitrag news:mailman.1.1164729571.7363.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
>> Steffen Kamper wrote: on 28.11.2006 13:25:
>>>>>why not implementing e.g. 5 "userdefined" like additional1-additional5 
>>>>>so there will be no problem when additional fields are required.
>>>>I (and any other dev) can make extre fields any time I like. You want 
>>>>the extra fields for the casual user?
>>>Hi Masi,
>>>me too :) but most of the users not ... but they can change the labels 
>>>for their need.
>>>(was just an idea cause i know from forum that users ask everytime for 
>>>things like that)
>> I would oppose to do so. It takes some 5-10 clicks to create an
>> extension that adds the required fields to *any* existing table using
>> the kickstarter. And there you can configure exactly how those fields
>> should look like (RTE, textinput, date, etc). I think this is flexible
>> and confortable for the "admin" and we don't need to have filler-fields
>> for that.
> Perhaps someone could write an add-fields-only wizard for the casual 
> admin. The wizard won't have to say anything about creating an extension 
> at all. The UI would let you add fields and place them into the TCE-forms.
> And it wold make sure the extension is always loaded last. That is, when 
> it is invoked to da any changes.
> I know the kickstarter, but its UI is confusing and not really well suited 
> for any admin who is not a developer.
> Masi

Hi Masi,

funny, but that was an idea i just thought about. Cause the kickstarter gui, 
extensionkey etc.
May be it could implemented in functions-module with a wizard creating these 
fields. TCA could be written to a file which is included from ext_tables.php 
or localconf.php. Should be no big deal ...

vg  Steffen 

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