[TYPO3-dev] Core Behaviour: Using Cache-Control Headers to prevent _Clients_ from Caching

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Tue Nov 21 13:33:40 CET 2006

Ekkehard Gümbel schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker schrieb:
>> Yes. I agree that both options are valid. I suggest to go the usual 
>> TYPO3 way. Make config.sendNoCacheHeaders a pseudo boolean. So 1 means 
>> what it means today: prevent shared caching (proxy) and 2 means what 
>> you want: prevent private caching (client).
> I guess you mean the "sendCacheHeaders" (without the "No") option? True, 
> better then having another TS option.

Oh, I forget we have "sendCacheHeaders" and you wanted to add 

> Although it may be a bit confusing - we need to keep in mind that most 
> people basically use this option to _en_able caching.


Ok, how about this:

"1": send headers that allow public caching (current)
"public": same as 1, but makes clear what is sent
"private": send headers that allow only private caching
"no-cache": send headers that disables caching

So we have backwards compatibilty and full control.


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