[TYPO3-dev] Index of table sys_refindex

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Sat Nov 4 14:08:44 CET 2006

Wolfgang Klinger schrieb:
>  *hiya!*
>  On Fri, 03 Nov 2006, Martin Kutschker wrote the following:
>>> On mysql. I think this 199 was made to prevent index length limitation 
>>> when multiplyDbSize is used.
>> Yes, I have found the thread in the Core list.
>> But if it breaks on others RDMBS' then either the fix or the feature is 
>> wrong.
>  multiplyDbSize is crap anyway, why don't we take action to support 
>  MySQLs native UTF-8 support facilities...
>  instead of double encoding (utf-8 --> latin1 --> utf-8)
>  any comments? how about other RDBMS?

Heh? We don't store data in latin1 on UTF8 sites. The point in 
multiplyDbSize was that Mysql's column length was measured in bytes, so 
only half or third of the amount of ASCII letters could be stored for 
say Greek or Chinese.

The double encoding occurs only for labels. But it's "utf-8 --> latin1 
--> utf-8" only for labels stored in XML. Anyway I'm working on it and 
have a patch for this (nearly) ready.


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