[TYPO3-dev] Enable option for CSS Styled Contents

Christopher bedlamhotel at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 16:08:57 CEST 2006

On 6/28/06, Kasper ligaard Nielsen <ligaard at daimi.au.dk> wrote:
> Christopher skrev:
> > Floats are supported by *every* remotely modern browser, and where
> > there are bugs (IE for Windows), they are almost always trivial to
> > fix.
> When there wasn't a trivial fix, how long time did you then spend
> realising there wasn't one?
> The sites you have made: Did companies pay you on an hourly basis or an
> agreed price?

Sorry, but in my experience the 'costs more' argument is almost always
cover for someone's otherwise reasonable discomfort at having to learn
a very different way of doing things. It's also not nearly such a big
problem as it's often made out to be on forums and mailing lilsts...

Whether you're working with a cms or building static sites, there are
usually only a very small number of different layout templates and a
limited number of content templates to develop--and non-table based
layouts are as reuseable as any others (if not more so). Writing
markup and css is a very small part of most site builds compared to
the requirements-gathering, site architecture development, design,
programming/extension development, functional testing and
cms-integration processes.


> I do hope CSS-nirvana will one day
> arrive, but I do not see it just yet, and until then I am with Tapio on
> this one.

If you're hoping to one day switch to tableless layouts without
spending any time learning how, 'css-nirvana' will *never* arrive for
you, and you'll likely be making the same excuses five years from
now--the browser scene is unfortunately going to be dominated by IE 6
and 7 for some years, and IE 7 is not currently looking a lot better
than IE 6 (though every bugfix will help a little)


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