[TYPO3-dev] Speeded up TYPO3 by 500% :)

Jan-Hendrik Heuing [DD] jh at digitaldistrict.de
Mon Jun 26 10:20:25 CEST 2006

There is still PHP_SCRIPT_EXT, which most people do believe in it's out of 
date. BUT:

You can (TYPO3-)cache a whole page while executing some custom PHP. Sure it 
does not use TS-stuff etc., just plain PHP.

At least this way it could be used to add some dynamic content without TYPO3 
knowing about it. We did some tests when 3.7.0 was on, I don't think hat has 
changed a lot until 4.0.


"Dmitry Dulepov" <typo3 at accio.lv> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1151309205.28094.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi!
> Michael Scharkow wrote:
>> The whole USER_INT stuff just kills performance because at least some PHP 
>> is required, this is the cost of dynamic websites. TYPO3 has already a 
>> fine grained caching system, even on the content-element level, but 
>> dynamic stuff has a price.
> It depends... My server may serve approximately 1500 rq/s static files, 
> 300rq/s PHP files with the same content taken directly from db (db is not 
> idle at the time of testing - server serves typo3 pages in parallel) and 
> max 20rq/s typo3 pages with the same content. So PHP itself is not real 
> bottleneck (especially together with eaccelerator). I think it rather 
> unoptimal usage of database in typo3: there are too many queries at each 
> execution. Probably, some of the results can be reused in other places.
>> That's actually where I see the real advantages of Bernhard's work: 
>> Disassemble the whole TYPO3 flow and only branch to expensive operations 
>> when necessary, like the whole fe user stack, or TS parsing.
> Dmitry.
> -- 
> "It is our choices, that show what we truly are,
> far more than our abilities." (A.P.W.B.D.) 

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