Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Mon Jun 19 17:55:17 CEST 2006

Hey All,

I ahve sen Rene Fritz a message about this question, but Rene must be buzy.

I want to create extensions around DAM, however there are so many 
classes and no API documentation
which makes it hard to understand what's going on.
My users will ad images mostly from the frontend and I want to make them 
DAM enabled at the moment
they add a image. This is the functionality I am looking for:

1) Add a image
2) Change a image
3) Delete a image

Now I understand that DAM can manage references to images.
So for example when I add one image to 10 parts of my site, I can 
reference a image
instead of copying it. However I am afraid that when I use direct SQL 
call's I will break
DAM at the moment I manage any image on the BE.

Are there any functions available like 'GetImage' and typo3/DAM knows
how many references I have to that image etc.


Ries van Twisk
Freelance Typo3 Developer
=== Private:
email: ries at vantwisk.nl
web:   http://www.rvantwisk.nl/freelance-typo3.html
skype: callto://r.vantwisk
=== Work:
email: ries at livetravelguides.com
web:   http://www.livetravelguides.com

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