[TYPO3-dev] ext_typoscript_setup.txt [WAS: stable = documented ?]

Stefan Geith typo3dev2006 at geithware.de
Tue Jul 25 12:31:36 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz schrieb:
> Elmar Hinz wrote:
>> Right. That is my opinion. It would be helpfull, if a warning would
>> indicate in the FE that no template has been selected, if none has been
>> selected.
>> Question: How could that be done from within the extension?
> Hi,
> I need to add that such a warning doesn't make sense for any type of
> extension, but mostly for plugins i.e.
> If the TS developer doesn't want to use the offered static templates at
> all, but likes to code it himself, he should be able to turn those warnings
> off.

This could be made by ext_typoscript_setup.txt ;)

Some kind of configuration, that leads to a
warning message from the plugin.
The definition of a special constant could disable
this message/configuration.

I implemented this in one of my plugins:
There is some default configuration in
ext_typoscript_setup.txt that leads to a
warning message, that no static template is selected.

If a special constant is set, then most
of this setup will be ignored and the message
is switched off.
This special constant is set automatically, if
I add a static-setup from a list of static



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