[TYPO3-dev] new extension: vx_xajax_shoutbox

Jan-Hendrik Heuing [DD] jh at digitaldistrict.de
Wed Jul 19 14:15:11 CEST 2006

>> That's one of the reasons, why I see more useful cases for
>> post-loading-content. You can make a full page cached, deliver that to 
>> the
>> frontend. But then, via onload-event-handler, you query things like 
>> votings
> What does onload-events mean in this case?

Talking about javascript-events, so it's a client thing. One draw back is 
SEO, that what Aleks in the room next to me is always about. If I load real 
content via ajax, google can not index it :-)

> - still on serverside: how compares it with  PHP_SCRIPT_EXT

Good question, I didn't do tests, but I see those things straight away:


- It's a proper serverside-solution, so it's not dependend on the client 
side. That's especialy interesting for teasers and stuff.

- "Proper serverside solution" in this case does not mean nice coding style, 
PHP_SCRIPT_EXT is a pretty awful way of doing things :-) But I guess one can 
change that to something better with not too much time.

JavaScript / Ajax:

- You can not only load content after page load, you can change it the same 
way any time without doing much additional work, as you already set up those 
ajax things. You just need to trigger it again. So this is especialy 
interesting for dynamic content. A shoutboard like it has been announced on 
the list would be a case... It could be updated every 10 seconds 
automaticly, if you add some polling-service to your website.

- It's bound to browser and settings, not as reliable as serverside.

So PHP_SCRIPT_EXT is the save way, JS/AJAX the more dynamic way, as well as 
for after the page has been loaded, but both versions could make use of 
caching on the plain page.
Eid would be the thing to use for Ajax to make it fast of course.

> - from the client by JS: why not calling an independent script then or do 
> eiD?

The second I would say. This way you can also make use of fe-sessions.

>> for elements, which are called and passed through onto the page. Those
>> voting-queries can be small and quick, but the whole ts engine and other
>> stuff doesn't have to be initiated.
>> JH

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