[TYPO3-dev] Flexform ds with graphical configuration

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Mon Jul 10 15:05:05 CEST 2006

Thomas Murphy wrote:
> Hey guys,
> don't know if this is what you want but I'm just writing on a new
> feedback-form extension that kinda does something like this:
> The user creates a plugin and has an empty flexform with one of those
> select-boxes to add new elements to it.
> The user can chose between input fields, selects, textarea, checkboxes,
> etc. - he can give every field a label, can activate a checkbox for
> required fields and give a required-field error-message if needed.
> The form in the frontend is then rendered according to this setup.
> When the FE-user submits this feedback form, it's either send by mail or
> saved in the DB: I then create a new "feedback entry" record and also
> put the flexform configuration from the plugin into the feedback record,
> so every field the BE-user created in the plugin gets stored in this
> record and is viewable/editable after being saved.
> One thing that bugs me about this method is: Values stored in flexforms
> are afaik not represented in the list module, so it's not possible to
> sort it by certain flexform fields.
> Because of this, I will have to integrate maybe 5 "special fields",
> which are actual db-columns and can be connected to a flexform field, so
> the value of that field is not only stored in the flexform but also in
> one of the speical fields to make it sortable that way, e.g. the e-mail
> address could be one special field, so the be-user can sort by that
> field, despite the fact he created the field himself in the flexform.
> btw.: I'll be using Thomas Hempel's dynaflex extension for this.
> I hope to finish the extension this week, it will be published then.
> bye,
> Thomas

Hi Thomas,

this perfectly describes my own ideas. Including the 5 special fields to
keep some typical advantages of relational DB.

If you base it upon the lib/div libraries instead of pi_base, we would get
the best advertisement of the MVC library concept we can have. Please
consider it. It would save me the time to repeat your work.

If you need additional informations about how to use lib/div you also may
contact directly.

svn ls https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/typo3xdev/tx_lib
svn ls https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/typo3xdev/tx_div
svn ls https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/typo3xdev/tx_articles



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