[TYPO3-dev] TER troubles again

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2006 at typo3.com
Sun Jul 2 14:44:08 CEST 2006

Hi Michael and others,

I felt I had more to say about this issue. Mostly because I can feel  
that this rant is of the type that is killing me slowly. It has all  
the doubtful qualities to ignore and even twist around 180 degrees  
the initiative that is in fact taken to solve a problem that no one  
disagrees about after all. One day I have had enough, so to not reach  
that one day of my retirement I want to illustrate what you should do  
instead of ranting.

So, instead of posting a long counter to Michael I would rather show  
you how his mail should have looked. So here is my re-edited version:

<good rant>
	From: 	  michael at underused.org
	Subject: 	Re: [TYPO3-dev] TER troubles again

I committed a large update to the TER FE a few weeks ago but it has not
been deployed until now because Robert was on honeymoon and nobody else
could do it. The reason for all the trouble with TER and typo3.org is
that we're blatantly understaffed, basically a handful of people is in
charge of every- and anything. While this situation has improved in the
core team, all the other teams are still seriously lacking support.

I guess this is in part the failure of the community which seems to be
less willing to actually help than in other software projects, but also
(my guess) in part the fault of the still not effective team  
structure that the
TYPO3 leadership is working on. Its great to see that they deal with  
the problem
from the root and up by finally getting teams empowered by real  
authority to
handle problems. However, in the meantime we need a solution.

Since team-building does not seem to work out automatically, and a  
real job
board where specific tasks are available to interested people is just  
going to create
more chaos, untransparency and bottlenecks, I offer my help to take  
over the
TYPO3.org team! Robert is surely overworked and I'm the closest to  
take over that
position and solve the problems immediately since Robert has already  
invested in
working me into the internals of TER etc.
So, until the association has a team structure in place that makes it  
possible to
approach this more systematically I would like to guarantee that  
something finally happens!

If I was the leader of TYPO3.org my first tasks would be to set up:

- a typo3.org general editor who makes sure there are news and articles
posted more often than once a year, who rearranges content, deletes old
stuff, etc.
- a TER administrator who maintains the code as well as the installation
- a documentation admin who does the above for documentation

I could go on... and will do so when I'm the leader.

The point is that none of the jobs takes more than a few hours a week,
but they should be done by people who are *not* simultanously in the
core, R&D, bug fixing and whatnot team. I'm that person for you!

Tomorrow, I will send and email to Kasper and Robert in copy to ask  
if they are willing
to hand this over to me at least temporarily.

Lets get this mess cleaned up! I hope you will support and follow me  
in action.

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TYPO3-dev at lists.netfielders.de

</good rant>

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