[TYPO3-dev] Advanced Forms

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Jan 25 11:02:36 CET 2006

Edwin de Jong schrieb am 24.01.2006 23:46:

> Does anyone knows if there is an extention that is 'like' mailForm but 
> actually is able to group the form fields into mulitple sections and even 
> pages? Have conditions and such? If not, I will write such an extention. 
> Therefor, I really appreciate any ideas, suggestions for implementation, etc.

I don't know of any, but I know that there is lot of interest in more
"flexible" MAILFORMs. Not specifically conditions and multiple pages,
but simply more layouting flexibility in forms for non-techies.

> Basic functionality proposals:
> (...)

While your efforts seem to be directed to "experts", as I can't see how
a non-techie will be able to design such a form, I also would find it
nice to have more flexibility in the MAILFORM Wizard, which should allow
more options to layout the forms. But I have no idea how it could be
done and what should be possible, yet.

> 7. ability to change between 'in-line' form display and 'block' form display 
> (basically, sometimes you want a layout that has the form inputs layout 
> horizontally eg. when entering a birthday or a postal code and a city name)

This one is a really nice thing, which I would like to see in the
"standard" MAILFORM!

> (...)
> Well, this is my first quick specification draft. I would really appreciate 
> the input of others on this subject.

Sorry for not going over all your points, I'll do that when I have more
time. I hope others will also jump in the discussion.


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