[TYPO3-dev] Make a date field required?

Pieter pieter.v at gmx.net
Sun Jan 15 17:27:25 CET 2006


it does not seem to be possible to make a date field required. I did 
some tests but with a new date field in fe_users but the "!" mark does 
not appear next to it.  I changed the kickstarter code to contain 
         "config" => Array (
             "type" => "input",
             "size" => "8",
             "max" => "20",
             "eval" => "required,date",
             "checkbox" => "0",
             "default" => "0"

Is there a way to get this done?  Or is is simply not implemented in the 

I have been searching for some documentation about the possible 
configurations and the meanings of the fields but have been unsuccessful 
up to now.  Can anyone point me in the right direction.  A string like 
this contains some mysteries to me:

tx_vivuser_signedmanifest, tx_vivuser_comchannel, tx_vivuser_phone2, 
tx_vivuser_phone3, tx_vivuser_email2, tx_vivuser_email3, 

What is the meaning of the ";;;;1-1-1"?  Any documentation on this?


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