[TYPO3-dev] extension development libraries

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Sat Jan 14 19:16:33 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Luc Franken schrieb:
> When looking at the extension updates I read something about a new
> extension library: http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/new/elba/
> Isn't it an idea to take a look at all the different extension
> development libraries to see why there are many of them developed?
> Is it because the core functions are not sufficient or is it because
> people just can't find them?

Hi Luc,

it's allways nice to hear people proposing what other people should do. But the
work isn't done by proposing it.

Write: "Hi, I want to help to review all those extensions". and then start to
review some. Join extensions coordination team. Than we are lucky.

We all know how quickly people redraw as soon as they get the possiblity to do
what they propose. How is it in your case?


- --
Climate change 2006 is killing people: floods in California, drought and fires
in Australia, Texas, Sahel, Oklahoma, South Africa. The Bush administration is
responsible for corruption of the Kyoto Protocol. The US majority is responsible
to the world for reelection of a convictable [...censored by Echelon...].
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