[TYPO3-dev] Jedit Typoscript plugin released

Neil Bertram neil at tasmanstudios.co.nz
Sat Feb 25 11:11:15 CET 2006

> Hi.
> This would be sooo great. Though I had hoped for some sort of eclipse 
> integration to pop-up first... but anything is better than the 
> html-textfields in the backend...

Oh and by the way, as I mention in the jeditvfs docs, I'm happy to help 
any other developer that wants to integrate this into another editor 
that's capable of loading/saving through a virtual filesystem. I use 
jEdit rather than Eclipse for my PHP development, but I do use Eclipse 
for Java (the jEdit plugin was written in Eclipse!)

I think I could implement an Eclipse plugin that does the same thing as 
my jEdit one. One issue is that Eclipse uses AWT instead of Swing, which 
I'm not familiar with, and also rules out copy-pasting the code from 
jEdit to Eclipse. Also a quick google turns up that Eclipse doesn't yet 
support virtual filesystems, but they're considering it for 3.2.

Is there any interest in a Flash or Java applet to replace the textarea 
editor in the backend? I know there was some talk about it some months 
ago, but it never got past trials... I'd be happy to work on a project 
to revamp the backend editor if the demand is there. Zap the gremlins!


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