[TYPO3-dev] Browser-Condition and Mozilla Firefox

Rainer Kuhn kuhn at punkt.de
Wed Feb 22 10:14:08 CET 2006

Michael Stucki wrote:
> The remaining question is: What should we do with Mozilla browsers (the
> suite, which afaik is discontinued)?

The Mozilla Suite ist still alive, there are (and will be) new versions
with security related bugfixes (Mozilla 1.7.13 is planned to be released
in the 3erd week of March). But they have "frozen" the new feature
development, this also means the used Gecko rendering engine will not be
changed anymore.

Based on the original Mozilla Suite code, the Seamonkey project will
continue the Suite deleopment (http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/).

> I am not sure but think that the versions can be distinguished by the
> "Gecko" version (date). So this lead me to a second suggestion:

Remember that there are many Mozilla based side projects using the same
Gecko version.


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