[TYPO3-dev] Removing symlinks in V 4.0

Ingo Renner typo3 at ingo-renner.com
Fri Feb 10 23:34:58 CET 2006

Am Fri, 10 Feb 2006 21:23:27 +0100 schrieb Elmar Hinz:

> I agree that I could be harder. But it will bring unexperienced users into
> desperate situations. when their extensions suddenly don't work any more only
> because of a regular update.

unexperienced users will get our support as they get it now. I also think
that an update from 3.x.x to 4.0.0 won't be a regular update at all taking
into account all the changes we will get with 4.0 - if you take your job
serious you have to have a look into the apropriate documents anyway -
changelog, news, announcements and so on

As an extension developer one should have an eye on such things even more

> I think, it has a bad taste to do go this way. This bad style at least could be
> avaided by early anouncement that this kind of hard linking extensions will be
> obsolate, with version XY. 

Isn't this early enough?

> Symlinks are not such a problem. The doubling up of the code on MS is the really
> ugly side. But I wouldn't care to much for people running TYPO3 on a MS server.

don't only think of the Windows user - maybe they have to use it...
but also think of the users who have ftp only...

all in all redundancy is bad in most places an thus I'd like to join


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