[Typo3-dev] German "Umlaute" in flexforms

Andreas Bulling spam at phoenix.hadiko.de
Wed Nov 30 14:09:16 CET 2005


On 30. Nov 2005 - 10:19:40, Peter Niederlag wrote:
| IIRC I have added ISO-8859-15 to forceBECharset to get Umlaute in
| Flexforms working.

I tried that but received the following error when trying to
open the flexform:

Warning: xml_parser_set_option() [function.xml-parser-set-option]:
Unsupported target encoding "iso-8859-15" in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/typo3_src-3.8.1/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php on line 1907

I tried on another server and there it works with iso-8859-1 (PHP version 4.xx).
I just don't understand what's the difference but I think I can only hope that
the users of my extension don't experience the same problems with that...


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