[Typo3-dev] gettext as default translation system

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Nov 22 20:16:57 CET 2005

Sven Wilhelm schrieb am 22.11.2005 19:14:

> a short and simple question:
> Is there any reason to NOT use gettext as teh default translation system?

One reason might be that not all PHP-installations provide the gettext
module. One less requirement for TYPO3 to work. But I agree that
nowadays this should be the standard. So the main reason today is
probably just that it would take too much resources on re-implementing
something that is already working fine. :)

> Absolute reasons FOR gettext:
> * it's a wide-used standard in the opensource world
> * it splits it's translations into different files

locallang.php/xml also do that.

> * it has direct php functions (so much more smarter for memory)

I think currently all language-stuff is loaded into a mega-huge global
array, so accessing it is pretty fast. Memory is cheap today! :)

> * there are tools outside for translating (partly webbased)

Yeah, I miss the typo3-tool to edit the locallang.xml file. I have
already asked once here, but never got a reply (extention
"llxmltranslate", see mail from 8.9.2005 10:46).


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