[Typo3-dev] I don't want to fork!

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Sun Nov 20 16:01:02 CET 2005

Peter Kindström wrote:
>> I think both should remain, but without redundant data. All info
>> about the account should be in fe_user, and all info about the
>> user should be in tt_address. And then you have a relation
>> between them.

An overwhelming +1 !

That is what I already tought about since a long time (Exactly since I
first used the DMailer and noticed it had it's own tables (altough you
could also send a d-mail to fe_users - but with normal account registration
you do not need to verify the registration via an mail-reply - so it would
be illegal to send to fe-users (which didn't agree to get mails))

>> Move all the fields like Name, Address, Phone, Fax, www, Image,
>> MSN/AIM/Yahoo screen name etc from fe_user to tt_address.
>> Instead add a field (like the Groups field) in fe_user where you
>> just choose a person from tt_address. Voila!

I don't know if it's the same in english but it's a little bit nearer
to the "3te Normalform" (a term for describing a DB which doesn't have
any redundant data)

Elmar Hinz wrote:

> The first disadvantage is that you need to query to query two tables,
> which makes things more complex for most extensions.

You can solve that by joining the fe_user and tt_address tables like:

SELECT fe_user.*, tt_address.* FROM fe_user, tt_address WHERE tt_address.uid=fe_user.person;

> The second disadvantage is, that it seems impossible to integrate this
> complexity into already existing extensions.
> j
> The compromise would be to put a *main* address into fe_user, which
> serves for most cases and to use tt_address only for *additional*
> addresses. Then the mayority of extensions can use the simple approach.

You could simply make a radio-button into the install tool which let's you decide if you
want to use "FE-User/Address compatibility mode (upgraded from T3 <5(?).0)" or the
"New FE-User/Address mode (new installation >=5(?).0)"

this would keep backwards compatibility .... but we should encourage people to upgrade to
the new mode and warn extension authors that they will have to change the way they query

Of course this would break many existing extensions :( This is the only drawback in my eyes.


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