[Typo3-dev] fetch constants with php

Peter Niederlag niederlag at ikd01.de
Wed Jan 26 14:01:02 CET 2005


Lannsjo schrieb:
> How can I fetch constants (with my php extension) defined in my template
> constants.
> I have a constant named:
> path{
>    flash = fileadmin/layout/01/flash/
> }

TS-Constants will be replaced at the appropriate places by the TSParser. 
Imho in your plugin you have to refer to some TS-Setup.

$myvar = $this->conf['path.]['flash']

provided you do it the proposed myclass extends tslib_piBase way...
(where you will just get the necessary part of $globals['TSFE']->tmpl in 

In yout TS-Setup you just put

path = {$path.flash}

> In my extension I have tried to use:
> $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->flatSetup['path.flash']
> But this doesnt work that well.. is there any other way to fetch my
> constants...

imho using $GLOABLs->tmpl ist not the proposed way,

Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *
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