[Typo3-dev] Domain redirecting on a Typo3 Page

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2005 at typo3.com
Tue Jan 18 13:02:12 CET 2005

> However, someone might have the time to implement some nice punycode
> transformation, so you still can post it as a feature request on
> bugs.typo3.org.


Notice: bugs.typo3.org is not a magic hat where you put in stuff that
makes it self happen. Some of you to whom this issue is really
important; why don't you see this is a great chance to contribute to
TYPO3? If you rest in on the shoulders of people who don't need it I can
guarantee you that it ends up in the back of the line.

Of course you should still put it in the bug-tracker but mostly the
bugs/features that gets solved are the ones where a practical solution
to the problem is posted as well.

- kasper

Happy new year! - My email address is now: 

		kasper2005 at typo3.com 

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