[Typo3-dev] Deactivating Backend Modules

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2005 at typo3.com
Wed Jan 12 12:35:52 CET 2005

> A friend of mine who studies information technologies took a first
> look at Typo3 and at the first moment he was overwhelmed by the amount
> of buttons and icons which get presented to one when entering the BE.
> He found it to be bloated :(

It is obvious that from a beginners point of view there are tons of things that is not needed.
It is also obvious that from an experts view they are all welcome and the reason why you will love TYPO3 eventually.

The idea of the scaled down backend simply is to slide the beginner into the TYPO3 universe slowly. The development of such a concept should in my opinion offer several levels which are converging towards the final destination; The current full-featured backend which is not affected as such. 

Notice: For this project we are focusing on the END USERS (content editors, secretaries etc), NOT the developers who will still be frustrated of the 7 billion ways to write "HELLO WORLD". Helping this group is also a concern of me, but not in this project.

- kasper

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