[Typo3-dev] Re: (tt_news) image text

Christoph Roth c.roth at themelios.de
Tue Jan 4 12:58:20 CET 2005

> I had an idea to use the image text field of tt_news news record to
> store them both, eg like
> short capt || this is the long version of caption
> and explode the corresponding field by "||". I think it'd need to modify
> tt_news, but also the core (?) so i'm not sure it's the best idea.


I'm just guessing now, but this is what I would try to do: Look if it is 
possible to apply stdWrap to the content of the image text field in both 
environments (normal display and popup-window). If this is possible (what it 
should be somehow), you can write a PHP function that returns either the 
short or the long caption part and connect this function to the content of 
the image text field. This can be done for example with the preUserFunc 
attribute of stdWrap:

xxx.stdWrap.preUserFunc = user_allmycustomfunctions->nameofphpfunction

Look up stdWrap and it's attributes in the TypoScript-Reference. Even if I am 
guessing wrong, there should be a way to solve your problem without modifying 
tt_news nor the core. You should also ask your question on the user list.

Good luck,


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