[Typo3-dev] Scripting in TYPO3

Jan-Hendrik Heuing [NF] jh at netfielders.de
Fri Feb 25 20:15:37 CET 2005

"dan frost" <dan at danfrost.co.uk> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1109357096.3244.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
>I want to draw attention to this idea - who would like to do scripting in 
> E.g.
> <typo-action-script>
> action.10 = COPY
> action.10 {
>   from = {page : id}
>   to = 0
> }
> //etc...
> </typo-action-script>
> (ok - we can call it something else)
> dan
> <snip>
> dan frost wrote:

It generaly sounds interesting. The thing is that I don't know any exact 
cases I'd have use for it now, so... while it sounds very interesting, it 
doesn't make much sense :-))

The idea is that in the frontend it's only about views of data in the 
backend. So you do not care about moving records really. There actualy IS a 
case where it might be interesting: You have got simple scripts every once 
in a while you could do via TS in some way... Like form related stuff. I am 
thinking about the old FEdata, which is not used anymore. So you could 
actualy send forms, and process them in some way where you do not need php 
at all. On the other side, for what reason ? For the form-thin, fe-adminLib 
is also available, which is probably much more powerful than just simple 

But maybe you have some ideas on the pratical things... If there is 
anything, I'd like to hear it.

> > I am interested in this because I see it as a way of making
> administration of TYPO3 easier for developers. Browsers are rubbish.
> Yeah, browsers suck, and too much in TYPO3 is only possible by clicking 
> here and there, probably repeated as often as needed. This makes 
> automating things impossible, so for the devs and admins we need a 
> complete COMMAND LINE INTERFACE! (whether locally through a shell or with 
> XML-RPC. Actually, I could do xml-rpc over localhost...)

This actualy sounds interesting as well !

If it is no command line interface, it could also be some sort of telnet 
server. The reason is this: You could use it like command line interface, 
but you can also use it via remote. Including that into you own application 
sounds also interesting. SOAP could actualy be just another layer on top: 
Functionality of the telnet interface is only passed through some standard 
soap interface. With one turn, you'd not only have telnet availabel, but 
also SOAP which would be useful for some external applications.

Having the TYPO3-daemon, it could actualy handle the telnet-interface!


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