[Typo3-dev] use IM combine funtion in an extension

Zach Davis zach at castironcoding.com
Tue Feb 22 15:36:34 CET 2005

I recently made a gallery extension, and I spent a lot of time trying to 
use gifbuilder to create a watermark. In the end, I decided not to do it 
with gifbuilder -- first, it didn't make sense to create gifs (256 
colors max) for photos in an image gallery. Second, it was slow and 
difficult to work with.

In the end, we decided to modify a function we found at 
http://www.phpgeek.com/articles.php?content_id=6 and add some caching 
(which, as far as we were concerned, was the big plus of using gifbuilder).

I'll include the function we used, for what it's worth, below. This 
approach also allowed the gallery to determine whether the watermark 
should be place horizontally or vertically, depending on the size of the 

	function watermark($srcfilename, $newname, $watermarks, $quality) {
		$imageInfo = getimagesize($srcfilename);
		$width = $imageInfo[0];
		$height = $imageInfo[1];
		// find a watermark that fits the image, first try horizontal, then 

		$logoinfo = getimagesize($watermarks[0]);
		$logowidth = $logoinfo[0];
		$logoheight = $logoinfo[1];
		$watermarkKey = 0;
		if($logowidth > $width) {
			$logoinfo = getimagesize($watermarks[1]);
			$logowidth = $logoinfo[0];
			$logoheight = $logoinfo[1];
			$watermarkKey = 1;

		$horizextra =$width - $logowidth;
		$vertextra =$height - $logoheight;
		$horizmargin =  round($horizextra / 2);
		$vertmargin =  round($vertextra / 2);
		$photoImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG($srcfilename);
		ImageAlphaBlending($photoImage, true);
		$logoImage = ImageCreateFromPNG($watermarks[$watermarkKey]);
		$logoW = ImageSX($logoImage);
		$logoH = ImageSY($logoImage);
		ImageCopy($photoImage, $logoImage, $horizmargin, $vertmargin, 0, 0, 
$logoW, $logoH);
		ImageJPEG($photoImage,$newname, $quality);

To see it in action, check out:


Wengrzik, Andreas wrote:
> Hello!
> I try to use the combin function in a gallery extension... but with the image .params options i can
> only use the 
> $this->imgconf['file.']['params'] = '-gravity SouthEast -font Tahoma -pointsize 11 -draw "fill black  text  1,1  \'myText\' text  0,0  \'myText\' fill white  text -1,-1 \'myText\'"';
> this looks a little big like an watermark, but i need to combine two image to get an transparent watermark - that will look much better than only text in an image.
> I also want to use an image not only text...
> Any suggestions how to get it work??
> Anyone done this before?
> Thanks a lot!!
> bye
> -andreas

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