[Typo3-dev] class.t3lib_stdgraphic.php

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Tue Feb 15 00:30:50 CET 2005

Hi Kasper,

> My strict backwards compatibility policy:
> Pros: Stability, less time spend on old code
> Cons: Inconsistency piling up, being confusing for newcomers and looking
> messy in general.
> A more open approach that prioritizes consistency and renewal:
> Pros: The code is continually renewed, kept "consistent"
> Cons: A lot of resources will be spend continuously to update code to
> new APIs, stability will suffer, there will be more continuous
> frustration among users and developers on the short hand; typical Open
> Source mess.

There is a chance for a compromise. If we document the changes that need
user/developer interaction, then it should be ok to change such things if
it's not too much.

A first example of how this could work was documented in the
RELEASE_NOTES.txt file in TYPO3 3.7.0 (telling users that they need to
remove extension from typo3/ext/ if they are system extensions now).

I see three different kinds of users:
- The developer who wants to know what source code changes he should observe
- The admin who installs and maintains TYPO3 (see typo3/sysext/ example)
- The user who might prefer new features over compatibility (examples:
  use the right-click menue, make the navigation frame resizable, etc.)

The first two can be informed with some documentation and everybody should
be able to follow these changes. But what about the rest?

- michael
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