[Typo3-dev] t3lib_htmail->quoted_printable and Unix-MTAs plus Outlook (Express)

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker at n0spam.blackbox.net
Tue Feb 8 17:19:18 CET 2005


Following setup:

- a Linux box with Postfix as MTA
- Typo3 with direct mailer (Rollands' extended version)
- mails sent encoded as quoted printable
- Outlook and Outlook Express as MUA

The problem is that quoted_printable() emit CR/LF sequences as line 
delimitors. It seems that this is not well received by Postfix. Or maybe 
Postfix ignores it. Anyway Outlook gets confused and chokes on the final 
= of a line in the mail, when denoting a line continuation.
So essentially text and even more html is broken and you have spurious 
='s all over the place.

The solution (tested) is to use only LF instead of CR/LF.

AFAIK, you should use CR/LF when talking to an MTA directly (eg PHP on 
Windows), but use the local line delimitor otherwise, on Unix this is LF.

So I suggest to add a configuration variable to t3lib_htmail which holds 
the line delimitor. It should default to LF on Unix and to CR/LF on 
Windows. I guess it's LF for Mac OS X, but CR for any other Mac (does 
Apache and Mysql even run on Mac OS9?).


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