[Typo3-dev] Open Task - T3D sites

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Wed Dec 14 18:43:58 CET 2005

Michael Stucki wrote:

>Hi folks,
>it is planned that in TYPO3 4.0 there will be no more quickstart and
>testsite packages. The import/export extension provides all necessary
>features we need for this, therefore we should publish T3D packages of
>exactly these existing sites that can be imported very easy.
>Since I don't have the time to do that I would be happy if anyone could
>prepare T3D files of quickstart and testsite (please use the 3.8.x versions
>as the base).
>Anybody willing to do that? Thanks in advance.
>Regards, michael
I can do that if needed,
Let me know with who you want to work with.

I am also planning to make a templavoila starter package so we have tree 
instead of two.


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