[Typo3-dev] TypoScript 2: a bit of a RFC

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Thu Dec 1 02:56:15 CET 2005

> Thought #2 - do not invent a new language / syntax
> if one exists already. If you think TS is just a
> config language, use an XML language; if it is a
> functional language, use a python-like syntax; if
> it is a fully functional language, use PHP...
> there's no point in building new stuff when old
> stuff exists....

Oh yeah! - Maybe we should drop all these "languages" then and start coding
everything in assembler?

TS as a config language is much better than XML since it's easier to
read/write and less overhead.
Why should one want to write XML Tags instead of some dots, equal signs and
/or brackets?
For the same reasons TS as a (fully) functional language (which it is not
and AFAIK it was never aimed to be) would be much better than Python or PHP.
It's like stenography for PHP functions and/or arrays and this is what makes
it so use- and powerful.

Take tt_news as an example:
If you (as an exprienced XML- and PHP-coder) will be able to code the whole
plugin.tt_news setup + additional functionality using GIFBUILDER and other
natty things in XML and/or PHP _by hand_ within the same time I can do it
using the existing TypoScript, then you might be able to convince me that
you are on the right track.

At the moment I just get the impression that you are trying to prove it can
be done another way. I don't see the reason though. And I don't see how this
could push TYPO3 to the next level.

IMHO it would be much better (and less time consuming!) to improve the
existing TS by
1. Adding missing functionality wherever necessary
2. Removing inconsistencies/redundancies in naming and functionality
3. Improving the performance of the functions "behind" TS (especially

You did a big step in this direction by publishing ObTS, but now you made a
complete turnaround and I can't understand why ...

BTW: There's another reason why you should improve TS instead of replacing
it with other things:
Thousands and thousands of existing TYPO3 installations that are depending
on it.

But maybe I should change my point of view and be happy about the fact that
it could flush a lot of money into my pockets if all these installations had
to be rearranged after the next upgrade ;-)


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