[Typo3-dev] typo3 admin on seperate port

Vikram Mandal vmandal at srijan.co.in
Mon Apr 18 07:59:00 CEST 2005

Hi list,

I need to run the typo3 admin on a seperate port (security reason).  
What options do I have? Is some  setting within  typo3 possible?

May be we can configure a virtual host for the "/typo3" to run on  a 
seperate port. What implication could  it have on the functioning of the 
rest of the site?

Since we will block the "/typo3" althogether from the normal HTTP access 
(port 80), would there be any need/ are there files that the typo3 
frontend uses from the "/typo3" folder or vis-a-vis.

BTW, I am not sure if we could configure a virtual host on Apache to run 
on a seperate port.


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