[Typo3-dev] ext_conf_template.txt - syntax

Rainer (Rene) Suthoelder t3 at boswel-remove-me.de
Thu Apr 14 16:50:32 CEST 2005

media.res | alex widschwendter wrote:
> options [item1,item2,...] Selectbox with values/labels item1, item2
> etc. Commaseparated. Split by "=" also and in that case, first part
> is label, second is value
> type=options[label=value,label2=value]

that's exactly what i tried...

now, i stripped down the remaining declarations, and voila: the dropdown 
shows up. very strange. i think this stems from mixing cat=advanced and 
cat=basic or something.
needs some more investigation on my side =:o)

also, i want to let the user choose some special character (a field 
delimiter) which is either empty, comma or semicolon. the dropdown box 
doesn't very much like type=options[Semicolon=';',Comma=','] - perhaps 
someone can point me to the right escape character...



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