[Typo3-dev] New Memory Requirement for Extensions

Kasper Skårhøj kasper at typo3.com
Mon May 10 21:43:51 CEST 2004

On memory etc.

- I'm sorry that TYPO3 seems so memory hungry. Part of this is probably
due to my use of arrays, in particular passing them around as copies
sometimes. But this does not apply to the EM though.
- Apart from common sense, PHP seems to offer very bad profiling
capabilities for exactly memory consumption. If I had had a memory
debugger during my years of development the situation would have been
- Some will now suggest products to do profiling. I would be interested
in knowing some. So just suggest. BUT in the fall we actually sat down a
team which were in charge of doing profiling of TYPO3. Nothing has
happend in this group, so the first place to start would be to ask them
if they came up with something - or maybe that they should get going!
(Same for SQL indexes optimization!)
- I once tried to set the ini-setting for memory in PHP. Failed - or
didn't have any effect though. So... :-)
- If you want to set this, why not try it in the localconf.php file! I
think that is a good place to start.
- BTW, In my recent discoveries of memory consumption I realized that it
doesn't always have to do with how you program - alone including many
PHP classes will consume memory. Thus I experienced running out of
memory even before executing any serious code, simply by calling
"require()". But maybe that was a PHP-bug.

- kasper

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