[Typo3-dev] CWT Frontend Edit ->undefined function: dodatabaseupdatequery() - Another error ?

Jacob Lindhardsen web at jacoblindhardsen.dk
Thu Jul 29 12:00:26 CEST 2004

Hi Jacob				

Marco Foit send me the solution - many many times thank you marco - so simple and easy.... This worked and did the trick !!			

$table = "your_table";
$cruser_id =$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid']; //this is the uid of a logged in user - just an example...

//create a dummy object, just to have one
$dummyform = new tx_cwtfeedit_pi1("", array(), 1, 1, 1, array(), $this, array() );   
//create your record....
$record_uid = $dummyform -> createBlankRecord(1, "your_table");
//which you probably want to fill with new data, thus create an other object
$form = new tx_cwtfeedit_pi1("your_table", $fields, $record_uid, 1, $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->id, array(), $this, array("your_extension_key"));

- Jacob Lindhardsen (lindhardsen)

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